Expedit Nodum is always striving to launch professional collaborations that can help manufacturers and product developers in even more areas. We are launching our latest collaboration with Serbian-based Poseidon CRO, a research organization subcontracted to help Expedit Nodum with international projects or, where appropriate, we are helping them with project implementation in the EU.

Poseidon CRO is a full-service clinical research organization delivering clinical studies in pharmaceutical development, biotechnology-derived products, Stem cell therapies, medical devices, and Nutraceuticals.
Their clinical research team, according to the latest industry guidelines, will make every effort to ensure:

  • research project feasibility services,
  • development of protocols,
  • submission to regulatory authorities
  • transitional monitoring, validation and coordination of the implementation of clinical biology,
  • reporting and reconciling events,
  • management of the investigational medicinal product (IMP),
  • solutions for the appropriate electronic data recording system (eDC),
  • data control and storage;
  • opening and closing the site, writing a medical report,
  • in addition, provides a wide range of custom solutions for its clients.

Poseidon CRO has pharmaceutical and regulatory expertise in the coverage areas of it’s sites, and works according to ICH-GCP compliant and Helsinki Declaration compliant quality assurance principles and regulations, so it can provide scientific and technical support to ensure that our customers and sponsors meet regulatory requirements at a high level. By cooperating, we are now able to fully assist our partners with research sites in Central and Eastern Europe and North Africa, as well as with European and African research sites inside and outside the EU.